Saturday 7 September 2019

Round Pizza, Served in Triangles, Packaged in a Rectangular Solid

That was a FB meme, my answer, The quest for the elusive square root of pie.Too much Aural sex might lead to hearing aids.You’re doing it wrong. {all purpose phrase used often}You’re doing it right. {_ Stacey:I’ve been talking to this guy for almost 3 months, he is some what emotionally unavailable at times.(31 August 2019) Talisha:Which [...]

Ladies, would this be something many girls are into?
(5 September 2019)

I force her into her bedroom and make her take her bra and panties off and tell her to get on the bed face down.
(5 September 2019)

She stops, and then I take a moment to admire her sexy body, to that she notices and starts getting uncomfortable and squirming again.
(5 September 2019)

I tell her if she screams, I will hurt her.
(5 September 2019)

That is when I grab her from behind, put my hand over her mouth, and she screams in horror.
(5 September 2019)

She is in the bathroom in just her bra and panties, putting on makeup.
(5 September 2019)

I want to come into her house when she is changing and getting ready to go out to meet her friends.
(5 September 2019)

I want to ask my girlfriend to role play this.
(5 September 2019)

Tax Accounting Question...?
(5 September 2019)

They are sitting at your desk for tax preparation... what filing status would you recommend?
(5 September 2019)

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