Saturday 31 August 2019

You Need a Therapy What?

A conversation was taking place in the pool yesterday, and there was NO question about my sharing it with you. You’ve heard of “therapy, service or support animalss”, right? They are usually dogs,_ Katharina:Ex friend keeps talking badly about me to those new people i’m trying to befriend?(30 August 2019) Katharina:I’m not interested in bashing my ex [...]

I don't even speak to her at all, I know this is a dumb question to ask and post.
(28 August 2019)

She's 27 years old, and still acts this way.
(28 August 2019)

What to do with a timid friend?
(28 August 2019)

Is he interested or NOT?
(28 August 2019)

My boyfriend is upset because I try to jerk him off with icy hot . How do I get him to forgive me?
(28 August 2019)

Now he's mad because he says I tried to injury him.
(28 August 2019)

It was his idea I kept telling him no but he kept being persistent.
(28 August 2019)

My period is six days late should I be concerned?
(28 August 2019)

Is it possible that I am pregnant, I'm 27 by the way.
(28 August 2019)

My nipples are sensitive and I've been moody lately.
(28 August 2019)

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