Wednesday 28 August 2019

Thank you!!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank my followers & everyone else on these blogs… [image]I hit over 300+ a week or so ago and it really means a lot. I started this blog a little over a year_ Deloris:I’m doubting my self worth and if I did something wrong or said something bad [...]

What is the world coming to when you can self-identify as a guy, a girl, a horse, a bowling ball or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and expect government recognition for it?
(25 August 2019)

How to co parent with abusive ex?
(25 August 2019)

I don't want to be that mother who doesn't let my baby see his father but I also don't want to be dealing with any of this either.
(25 August 2019)

I had to tell him to leave my home because of the drama.
(25 August 2019)

All he does is drink, smoke weed, accuse me of cheating, fight with people and call me names.
(25 August 2019)

I was already not speaking to anyone before I met my ex so he didn't do anything to make me push them away and I'm not going to get back in touch with any of them either.
(25 August 2019)

I don't know what to do and I don't have any family to talk to.
(25 August 2019)

He is nice to our baby and helps out with diapers and formula and taking care of him but I did hear him call him a bastard and an a hole one night because the baby was hungry and woke him up, I told him don't say that to our son and he apologized for it.
(25 August 2019)

I'm not sure how to raise our son together when all he wants to do is treat me like crap.
(25 August 2019)

He sends so many hateful texts to me everyday and accuses me of cheating on him when I never did.
(25 August 2019)

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