Tuesday 6 August 2019

stages of a story

Late start on the day. Two larger sessions, one smaller one… 1000, another 1000, and then 400 words to start Chapter Eight because I had an idea of what would happen but it was getting late and I di_ Katrice:When someone tells someone else that they’re the only person on the planet that does this, is [...]

A guy who is muscular, built, has a trimmed beard, nice fragrance.
(3 August 2019)

Is my friend flirting with my boyfriend?
(3 August 2019)

She does likes male attention, but I thought that's the boundary one should never cross.
(3 August 2019)

My friend always acts giggly around my boyfriend and when the three of us are together she talks with him more than with me.
(3 August 2019)

Is it pretty bad that I don't have any friends?
(3 August 2019)

My mom won t let me do anything! I AM 12 YEARS OLD!!!! And I am not allowed to walk around my own estate, celebrate Halloween simply because?
(3 August 2019)

I feel lonely because nobody will wanna hang out with me because they assume I am not allowed.
(3 August 2019)

I have been stuck inside my whole life, and my buys my phones and laptops and stuff and I have adapted to these things to entertain myself. so imagine what it is like for me to be separated from it.
(3 August 2019)

My hair grew dead ends simply because my mom wasn t treating my hair properly.
(3 August 2019)

How should i punish my vegan son for eating meat?
(3 August 2019)

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