Sunday, 4 August 2019

Spicy, southwestern seasoning

This is my recipe for ’southwestern seasoning’. I cannot call it Mexican, as I feel that it might insult Mexicans. I use it A LOT. This recipe makes a WHOLE LOT, which I keep in air-tight Tupperwar_ Florene:I feel really hurt that he is using this picture.(28 July 2019) Florene:Now I just found out he’s using a [...]

Is it because I have Asperger's?
(2 August 2019)

I'm naturally thin and really pretty, I wear cute clothes, i'm sweet to everyone including her, and I even wear things that make me look extra cute, like high heels and jewelry.
(2 August 2019)

I don't get why she won't call or text me even though she likes me.
(2 August 2019)

Should I date or become sexually active?
(2 August 2019)

Yes, I talk to people all the time but it never amounts to anything.
(2 August 2019)

No one has ever approached me and I feel like everyone is very hard to talk to even when I try to talk to them.
(2 August 2019)

I just don't know how to even start.
(2 August 2019)

I live in college so it is easy to date and meet other people my age.
(2 August 2019)

I would go across the street and ask her why she hasn't called or texted me(she told me I was welcome to her house anytime), but that would be rude.
(2 August 2019)

I don't have any other social media, so I can't look her up on there.
(2 August 2019)

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