Saturday 3 August 2019

Cycling to Dakeng

I went cycling up to Dakeng today. I’ve been doing that once or twice a week for almost three years now. I’m not a professional cyclist, but I enjoy the workout. It doesn’t take a long time, maybe_ Avis:He’s a pretty immature person, and he has stolen money from my parents, and is grounded pretty frequently.(3 [...]

I ve to feed my sister, do the dishes and any other house chore.
(1 August 2019)

When I come home from both work and college.
(1 August 2019)

I m 19, I got to college have a part time job but I still have to run my house.
(1 August 2019)

Why would an ex-wife from 30 years ago contact me to say she is dying?
(1 August 2019)

I made no reply, it is certainly not worth my effort.
(1 August 2019)

Now 30 years later I get an email saying it was dying, so why should I care?
(1 August 2019)

As far as I am concerned it was just a piece of rotted meat to throw out.
(1 August 2019)

I divorced that thing 30 years ago for cheating and have not spoken to it since that time.
(1 August 2019)

I don't get it. Why did she ghost me after saying she and her partner broke up?
(1 August 2019)

She never spoke to me ver again.
(1 August 2019)

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