Saturday 3 August 2019

Coffee house might be a good in-between step before lunch/dinner?

A few couples have asked or offered to go to lunch or dinner.I sent this response to one couple (I hope they don’t mind me sharing it here, because I just thought it would be good to share with others_ Pamella:What does it mean if your boyfriend after your first time rests his head on your [...]

I didn't think she would but sure enough she woke up and started freaking out.
(31 July 2019)

So my girlfriend was taking a nap and I felt the urge to pass gas (from Taco Bell earlier today) so I pulled my pants down and put my rear end in her face and let it rip some poop came out too.
(31 July 2019)

Below average, average or above average?
(31 July 2019)

Should I spend 300 dollars on a new pair of headphones? Why or why not. Read below?
(31 July 2019)

So, I want to reward myself, because I know I will need new headphones eventually, since beats don't really last long, and wanted to get a good pair.
(31 July 2019)

I've been working this whole summer and literally the only thing I have spent my money on, outside public transportation and food, was one pair of dress shoes that I needed for work.
(31 July 2019)

The only problem is they are really expensive and I don't like spending money like that.
(31 July 2019)

So I'm not trying to get these new headphones.
(31 July 2019)

However, i have had this pair for a while now with no problems but they are rather uncomfortable.
(31 July 2019)

My previous 2 beat headphones didn't even last a year combined.
(31 July 2019)

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