Thursday 15 August 2019

Bookworm porn

It makes me want to stand you in the middle of a room naked, and have hundreds of people write on you with feather quill pens. Each person would only get to write one word on exactly one square inch o_ Lilly:She actually does like to travel but only at her own conditions.(10 August 2019) Lilly:Even when [...]

I m currently talking to a 13 year old that I met this summer, He told me that he liked me.
(12 August 2019)

Deep topics to talk to ur girl about?
(12 August 2019)

Would this guy think I fancy him?
(12 August 2019)

I felt embarrassed about it though because I thought he might think I fancy him.
(12 August 2019)

I didn't see him for about a month but I did yesterday and he was thanking me for the email and saying how much he needed to hear that.
(12 August 2019)

So after that I sent an email to his boss saying how what a good guy he is and how lucky they are to have him.
(12 August 2019)

A good while passed and one day I rang the shop not expecting him on the phone asking if I could order a sandwich and even though the deli was closing he put one by for me.
(12 August 2019)

Next time I was in we were chatting again and he was so helpful again.
(12 August 2019)

I met this shop assistant a few months ago, I was visiting my sister in hospital and telling him and he was so nice making sure I had everything I needed and gave me so free cake.
(12 August 2019)

I am 3-4 days due for my period, I have had unsafe sex with my partner, and he released his sperm inside me. Am I going to get pregnant?
(12 August 2019)

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