Friday 19 July 2019

Two Polite Zombies…………

Two zombies were discussing how they were going to go out and satisfy their appetites.”I think we need to be a little more authoritative and menacing,” Zac said. “These potential victim_ Mei:I have had a crush on him for a few months but I did not say anything as I am scared of loosing him.(15 July [...]

I just want to know that whether he did not like my boobs.
(16 July 2019)

Though I am not going into the detail of whether sucking can make it big or not.
(16 July 2019)

He saw my boobs for the first time and said that he will make them big by sucking.
(16 July 2019)

So this guy and I was making out.
(16 July 2019)

Do I have reason to be depress?
(16 July 2019)

I have other things that get me sad too, please let me know in the answers if you want to know what else gets me sad.
(16 July 2019)

I get so sad and depress all the time and that is one the things that gets me sad.
(16 July 2019)

I dont even know how to unpack whats going ono between me and him.
(16 July 2019)

We used to be fine but ever he literally out of the school blue just changed on me for no reason.
(16 July 2019)

My father is literally the cause of all my depression, hes a terrible person I cant and dont know how to go into to detail but hes horrible, but unfortunately he has a lot of money and hes going to leave it all for my brother when he dies.
(16 July 2019)

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