Wednesday 10 July 2019

Trump, the travel ban and facts

The lawyers for Trump worked hard to defend the travel ban, first and second version, as a mere pause to study extreme vetting procedures. The Federal trial court and 4th Circuit did not buy the defen_ Georgene:21 and never had friends?(4 July 2019) Georgene:I see people with their groups of friends and I get jealous because I’ve [...]

How do i use being sick to my full advantage?
(7 July 2019)

I want to get the most out of this before I get better.
(7 July 2019)

Am I pretty enough to get married?
(7 July 2019)

Would guys see me as wife material?
(7 July 2019)

What are the chances of me being forever alone?
(7 July 2019)

Is reminding your ex of the good times a bad idea if its from a genuine place?
(7 July 2019)

I really should be ashamed of myself for the torment I caused him.
(7 July 2019)

I reallly just thank him for all the hard work he put in to make me happy.
(7 July 2019)

I sent him a photo of us at the show and just thanked him for such awesome memories.
(7 July 2019)

Last year on this day we were at the Chris Brown concert having a blast.
(7 July 2019)

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