Saturday 29 June 2019

What Are Your Thoughts About Having Sex At The Park???

Have you ever had sex at the park? On a park bench, picnic table, or behind the bushes possibly? Did you find it exciting to be in a outdoor setting or the possibility of being caught? A recent sex p_ Shaunna:Went out drinking and ran across a girl I knew, but not very well.(27 June 2019) Maisie:I [...]

I feel hurt about it cuz she went in with a very bad temper saying it's not that hard and she's had a very bad day she was in her late 20s or older and a red head?
(25 June 2019)

How do I see my cousins when I am in there hometown in a way that won't be intrusive or make my parents mad?
(25 June 2019)

The trip will be wrecked if I know my cousins live in this town and we don't see them.
(25 June 2019)

I want to call and see them but they live alone and my parents will say it is intrusive.
(25 June 2019)

Why is it? Just curious?
(25 June 2019)

But if they ask where do you want to go and they spend $50 plus sit in the car while air conditioner running while I run in the grocery store because it is to hot to put windows down it is a huge problem.
(25 June 2019)

Why is it someone can spend $50 on a meal they want and drive 2 hours one way to get it.
(25 June 2019)

Am I Ugly? (pic included)?
(25 June 2019)

FLORIDA PEOPLE: How does it feel to live in a place where people vacation at?
(25 June 2019)

How can someone leave their house at 16 with emotionally abusive parents? (READ DETAILS!)?
(25 June 2019)

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