Thursday 20 June 2019

Sex on business trips

I travel frequently for work and love to pickup guys in the hotel bar and go back to my room for hot sex._ Mikaela:He reassured me that wasn’t the case and that he still finds me really attractive but that it’s just not always the right time and that we have different libido’s.(16 June 2019) Mikaela:At the [...]

Am I overreacting feeling like we're not going to work.
(17 June 2019)

He only wants to watch the shows he picks.
(17 June 2019)

Everytime I pick a movie that he complains that everything that's happening is stupid and he doesn't want to watch it.
(17 June 2019)

Saying that everyone needs a car.
(17 June 2019)

He complains about that as well.
(17 June 2019)

Public transit takes me straight to work and I like catching uber.
(17 June 2019)

I've chosen to not have a car because I live in area where I don't need.
(17 June 2019)

I was extremely upset and told him that if parking is going to be an issue in our relationship then were not going to work.
(17 June 2019)

He brought me home last night and refused to stay because he said he refused to walk an additional block.
(17 June 2019)

He refuses to park more than two blocks away from my place and lives with this constant mindset that someone will break into his car, even though I've reassured him that I've lived in this area for more than 10 years and they don't vandalize cars.
(17 June 2019)

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