Sunday 19 May 2019

Time difference….. (could be a rant)

There are times when you realise just how big this planet is…. Is it not bad enough that just when I have to start thinking about going to bed, the rest of the world is just starting to get into its_ Sherill:However, after I fell back to sleep, when I woke up later that morning, all [...]

Is this a sign that he approaches a lot of women or did he sincerely just forget?
(16 May 2019)

I texted him today and told him who I was and he asked a few questions to see who I was contacting him.
(16 May 2019)

So a guy approached me the other day and had small talk, then he proceeded to give me his number.
(16 May 2019)

Is he over the break ups, it's been 5 months?
(16 May 2019)

He tagged his friends in a picture which was a meme stating when you date her for a month and find out she wasn't joking about being crazy?
(16 May 2019)

Stressed about my gap in my teeth and that it doesn't make me look attractive?
(16 May 2019)

Is my gap really that bad and does it really make me less attractive?
(16 May 2019)

I'm 27 now and wish something could be done about this.
(16 May 2019)

My parents never could afford it and I never got braces when I was younger.
(16 May 2019)

If I had the money I'd fix them.
(16 May 2019)

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