Friday 19 April 2019

What turns you on more?

What turs you on more?Visual PictureProfileChatcatch phrase / tag line_ Germaine:She wanted to leave while crying and angry but I wouldn’t let her because I was afraid something might happen.(16 April 2019) Germaine:My girlfriend and I got into a huge argument.(16 April 2019) Maris:So what is it?(16 April 2019) Tamesha:Why dont men try to get to know intimidating women?(16 [...]

Do I need to be more patient in life?
(16 April 2019)

But I don't want to cheat or give up on us.
(16 April 2019)

I feel like things could be better and I could easily run off with some one younger and compatible with me.
(16 April 2019)

I need to add that she does a lot for me, but it's not when I want and it makes me feel helpless as a man because I cannot always go do things myself.
(16 April 2019)

I feel like I've had to lower my expectation with my girlfriend, and she screws up a lot?
(16 April 2019)

She doesn't try to look young anymore.
(16 April 2019)

She's embarassing to be seen with in public.
(16 April 2019)

I feel like I've already lowered my standards being here in this dump as it is.
(16 April 2019)

Why do I feel like breaking up over something like this?
(16 April 2019)

I do a lot for her and didnt think this was much to ask.
(16 April 2019)

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