Tuesday 30 April 2019

Not even a halfwit

I’m just reading a (relatively) new travel book by Bill Bryson, who always has lots of funny things to say.I’d only read about 10 pages before I was reminded of some of the ignorant wonders who try I_ Lacey:I m a furry and I fantasize about Coco to the point where all I want to do [...]

The girl, an adult now struggles with a relationship with her mother.
(26 April 2019)

She has made efforts to be a positive person in her kids lives but no apology or acknowledgement of the past was ever made.
(26 April 2019)

With less stress in her life she wasn't nearly as mean.
(26 April 2019)

Once the children grew up and moved out the mom became a nicer person.
(26 April 2019)

The mom feels that no abuse took place whatsoever and that she was a good mom.
(26 April 2019)

Her mother has never apologized and blamed the girl for the girl's problems.
(26 April 2019)

She was unable to be in intimate relationships with men as she trusted no one.
(26 April 2019)

At 16 she developed an eating disorder and her life was wrecked for the next 12 years as she struggled with a severe eating disorder that destroyed her life.
(26 April 2019)

The last time her mom hit her she was 21 years old.
(26 April 2019)

Her mother was mean and cold to her.
(26 April 2019)

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