Thursday 11 April 2019

Life In The Wild…..

It’s that time of year…….[image]So much is new, and it is bursting out where ever I look around the property……_ Ricki:What to wear in a civil courthouse wedding in Las Vegas?(5 April 2019) Ricki:She said they’ll be celebrating right away afterwards anyway.(5 April 2019) Ricki:She wants to know if it’s fine to dress casual for a courthouse wedding.(5 [...]

A girl wants to date me but won t count me as her boyfriend. It s been 6 months and she hasn t brought me around to anyone. Do I continue?
(8 April 2019)

William Zabka of Karate Kid fame dies in yet another THC overdose, tragic. How many more people have to die before the racist cons come to?
(8 April 2019)

My little baby Sebastian Is 13 months and still not walking. Help?
(8 April 2019)

Everytime is stand him up and try to walk him he stands on his tippy toes or he'll sit down.
(8 April 2019)

How does a mom trim 30 finger nails and 30 toenails in one day?
(8 April 2019)

Whats the reasonable amount a guy has to cancel a date?
(8 April 2019)

It seemed like one of the guys was also trying to hide it from the other but I admitted that stuff happened the same night with him.
(8 April 2019)

I slept with two guy roommates, now what is going to happen?
(8 April 2019)

It's hard asking people online about it, since it really depends on how each of them feel about me.
(8 April 2019)

They live in my apartment complex.
(8 April 2019)

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