Sunday, 14 April 2019


One day is’ not enough!_ Bari:He wanted me to come home with him but was adamant that he had no ulterior motives.(9 April 2019) Bari:All we did was makeout at the weekend and when I said no to anything else he was respectful of that.(9 April 2019) Bari:I’m also worried that it could just be him looking for [...]

So I became friends with this dude two years ago and ever since he's been the biggest stressor in my life.
(10 April 2019)

I don't necessarily like him but I think I'm starting too.
(10 April 2019)

However, I now see the boy I originally liked everyday and sometimes I remember my old feelings for him.
(10 April 2019)

After awhile I kind of forgot about him, lived my life, and got a boyfriend.
(10 April 2019)

Is it normal to lose your appetite after you had a baby?
(10 April 2019)

I had my baby 2 weeks ago and I lost my appetite so I only eat once a day.
(10 April 2019)

How can I get myself in the mood to write?
(10 April 2019)

I don't know why she does this she's only 4 months so she can't talk so I can't ask her.
(10 April 2019)

I don't know why she likes to tourte me like this I am her dad after all I helped create her.
(10 April 2019)

My brother got her one of those rattles at only 2 months she tossed it at my face.
(10 April 2019)

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