Saturday 13 April 2019

IM Problems

Am I the only one who has problems with the IM here!!!!!Please submit your answer below,Yes No_ Lashawna:I feel like im going to cheat one day?(8 April 2019) Lashawna:Like really because i pride myself on my loyalty.(8 April 2019) Lashawna:I dont see how i can last 10’s of years only sleeping with one women.. how could i possible [...]

What happened was that my car was not working and I felt too bad about asking him to pick me up.
(10 April 2019)

He then brought up times I had cancelled on him, such as this time when we were going out to wings with another cousin.
(10 April 2019)

A few days later, my cousin gave me an ultimatum, and said he would let me go on this one.
(10 April 2019)

He told me that going on a different day than my family was not gonna change the fact that I was not going with them.
(10 April 2019)

Now my cousin is all mad at me, and accused me of making a mountain out of a molehill.
(10 April 2019)

So I feel bad about going a few days later, and explained this to my cousin.
(10 April 2019)

What happened was that my parents and my brother with a disability are going up to the same destination a few days earlier, but cannot go with them due to work.
(10 April 2019)

So the case is we had a road trip to visit some other cousins, and I cancelled on him.
(10 April 2019)

Is it child pornagerghy to look at my kid self naked?
(10 April 2019)

Say I'm 30 years old and I have a picture of my 12 year old self naked.
(10 April 2019)

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