Saturday 13 April 2019


It’s Hump Day!!! If you’re a camel, you are really into HUMP Day!!! It’s also the middle of the work week or what I’ve come to call, my “mini” Friday!!Gotta keep it moving…have a great HUMP DAY!!!_ Lennie:Can I open up a Mental Health Clinic, with a drive-thru?(8 April 2019) Marielle:Am I wrong to be angry?(8 April [...]

I play 10 hours a day I'm in college.
(10 April 2019)

Should I move on or continue to speak to this person?
(10 April 2019)

Is it best to drop this whole thing or continue and see what happens?
(10 April 2019)

Tonight, he said hi to me on the site again.
(10 April 2019)

He asked me if it was a dealbreaker and I said yes because he lives kind of far from me too.
(10 April 2019)

It turns out he has no vehicle and just told me this after speaking for a week.
(10 April 2019)

I met a guy on a date site who is younger than me.
(10 April 2019)

How can I remove all of the tinnitus from my ear?
(10 April 2019)

I'm moving from my parents house in Mobile, AL to West Virginia in six months for a new job and I really want to get this taken care of before then.
(10 April 2019)

How did it even get in there in the first place?
(10 April 2019)

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