Thursday 11 April 2019

Fuck My Convictions

[image]Referring to my post from last week Damn…I Did It Again…Almost Sometimes better to just go with my gut feeling (well….below the gut ). Better not to over think things, accept them for wha_ Trula:There s a dance coming up in about a month and I m wondering if I can build our relationship enough for [...]

Would you accept this plane ticket from her?
(8 April 2019)

I'm not sure I should even believe her or that I want to accept such a high value gift.
(8 April 2019)

Now she won't even let me pay for my plane ticket and says she's flying me there first class.
(8 April 2019)

We were supposed to meet twice before but plans fell through.
(8 April 2019)

She's having a party Easter weekend.
(8 April 2019)

She invited me to meet her in a couple of weeks.
(8 April 2019)

Anyways I'm in Ohio and she's in Oklahoma.
(8 April 2019)

Yet she often drunk dials me on weekends.
(8 April 2019)

Not contacting me as frequently and taking forever to respond to my texts.
(8 April 2019)

We get along great for the most part but over the past couple months she's been acting differently towards me.
(8 April 2019)

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