Sunday, 21 April 2019

Blogging Naked..!!

Yes, Here I am blogging in the nude…do you???_ Saturnina:Btw he tipped me $2.58 and doesnt tip anyone else at my work.(17 April 2019) Saturnina:I dont know, does it sound like he is interested?(17 April 2019) Saturnina:But it just got me thinking like maybe he only sees me as a friend or someone to talk to in [...]

GIRLS ONLY: What age did you lose your virginity?
(17 April 2019)

Most people at my school are no longer virgins and they all are dating.
(17 April 2019)

I want to have sex but when I am in the moment with a guy I freak out. What can I do to change that?
(17 April 2019)

But when presented the opportunity, I kind of get caught up in my own head and freak out What can I do to get past this mental block?
(17 April 2019)

When I am alone or even just thinking about it, I want to do it.
(17 April 2019)

Why is K-pop a popular thing?
(17 April 2019)

I don't get it probably because I'm the grungy kid at school and I don't care about trends or whatever is new.
(17 April 2019)

Do you think sol pais, the girl who idolized the columbine shooters, was hot?
(17 April 2019)

Should I mention something to the mom?
(17 April 2019)

Then she goes onto say that she eats an 8 ounce bottle TWICE a day.
(17 April 2019)

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