Wednesday 13 March 2019

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Does a guy do this if he only views you as a friend?
(9 March 2019)

Do you think this Scorpio Guy likes me? Or am I overthinking?
(9 March 2019)

I think I might like him, but I can't read him fully.
(9 March 2019)

But when we would cuddle he would suddenly shake me off of him.
(9 March 2019)

Also I would ask if he wanted me to leave, and he would shake his head no.
(9 March 2019)

I was just a little confused because after sex he kinda passed out, and when I was talking to him he would only shake his head for responses, and he wouldn't open his eyes but he was aware I was talking to him.
(9 March 2019)

Even during sex, there was a lot of eye contact and passion.
(9 March 2019)

We finally had sex and he said I had murdered him when we were done.
(9 March 2019)

I was a little shocked, but he kept asking me if I liked the surprise and I did but I was a little confused because that was very sweet of him for a hook up.
(9 March 2019)

He stays in town for work, it turns out we weren't supposed to be in that room but I appreciated the thought.
(9 March 2019)

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