Saturday 2 March 2019

Fuckable man in my closet please!

[image1]Fuck, there is nothing worse then a little wine and being horny and alone! There should be someone close by to reach for and fuck in a situation like this. [image2]You know, like one of those_ Sean:I been married to her for 7 years together for 10 I would think if I wanted to hurt or [...]

I'll soon have to leave Ithaca and go to Athens to study nursing.
(26 February 2019)

My brother is 22 years old and he's severely autistic and nonverbal.
(26 February 2019)

I help both of them to raise money, by cooking alongside my mother and working in a confectionery.
(26 February 2019)

My mother is a cook in a restaurant and my father is a fisherman.
(26 February 2019)

What content does child pornography contain?
(26 February 2019)

I do not need middle names due to the fact I would most likely use a family name or a friends name who I am close to.
(26 February 2019)

Not expecting Conner Tyler Chase Benjamin Mason Oliver Lee Nathan Ethan Curtis Troy Holden Ezra Suggestions welcome but please pick a name from above first.
(26 February 2019)

Is she a nice looking lady?
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Which one is the better one?
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Does anyone care if we go to war with Venezuela?
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