Wednesday 6 February 2019

Who, What, Why

What do we want in life? We want to be seen for the person we are, to be appreciated. Many of us lack that in our lives, either in our marriages or other relationships. We struggle to fill that void w_ Donald:I looked at the set list lots of sad songs on there I may end [...]

She told me there was no point in keeping in touch because I didn't live in the same city as her anymore.
(31 January 2019)

We talked for a bit but she then stopped responding to my texts, I wrote her some emails and she responded it would be best for me to forget her and that she did not want to be my friend.
(31 January 2019)

I said I liked how I felt around her and how smiley she is and how she laughs a lot, she's smart and stylish and that she is really pretty.
(31 January 2019)

She went on to say I don't know why you like me and I tried to explain with all the things I felt but it felt like a difficult way to summarize my feelings.
(31 January 2019)

Then said I don't feel the same way saying your cute and have a great personality but didn't know if she could be physical with me but maybe because she has not tried.
(31 January 2019)

I said I like you more then a friend over text message.
(31 January 2019)

I liked a girl and I told her I did.
(31 January 2019)

Ladies how does it feel when your man takes your bra off?
(31 January 2019)

My friend is copying everything i do?
(31 January 2019)

Women, do you prefer men in boxers or briefs and give me your reasons why?
(31 January 2019)

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