Sunday 3 February 2019

Sick Puppies show 9/18/16

So there was a show that I was trying so had to get to. Sick Puppies in Pitt on 9/18/16. I was actually supposed to go see them and many other bands in West Chester literally that weekend with the FWB_ Cris:There would be no sun in my sky, There would be no love in my [...]

The few encounters I've had with men have lasted either one night or only a week (kissing only). Then I met this guy and I liked him, and he took me on dates paid, would walk me to and from my door.
(29 January 2019)

I'm asking the question out of my emotional immaturity and inexperience.
(29 January 2019)

How can I comfort my kid when he cries?
(29 January 2019)

Earlier I read his texts telling his friend he wants to kill himself when he was 10 he even tried to kill himself by cutting luckily they were able to save him.
(29 January 2019)

My 12 year old son has severe depression he cries daily when I ask him what is wrong he says nothing.
(29 January 2019)

Why does society feel like a woman should be forced to handle sex until the MAN is done?
(29 January 2019)

Making it like she has to continue until her boyfriend ejaculated.
(29 January 2019)

People are shunning her, saying that it wasn't rape, saying that she can't just consent to sex & then want to quit in the middle of it.
(29 January 2019)

I just saw a question on here about how a female gave her boyfriend oral sex, & then she didn't feel comfortable & wanted to quit.
(29 January 2019)

This is common for readers to take pics with me but it seemed to get the girl I like talking to me again.
(29 January 2019)

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