Tuesday 12 February 2019

Seven of Wands

1-27-17. Seven of Wands: Could be better, but it’s Friday! Let’s roll! When the 7 of Wands appears, you are likely to find that in any kind of competition you come out on top. You should be feelin_ Ayesha:Financialy there would be no issue, and I m thinking of taking a year off Uni, and after [...]

My crush choose my best friend over me?
(5 February 2019)

Should I give up on my crush or just keep waiting for him?
(5 February 2019)

The last time we texted was in October. then on snapchat last month we talked ,but I started the conversation.
(5 February 2019)

Do you like the name Kindness for a sister?
(5 February 2019)

Could I be pregnant after pull out method on the last day of my period?
(5 February 2019)

I had sex with my boyfriend on the last day of my period using the pull out method . I do not take any birth control pills however we did clean ourselves off and took a shower right after.
(5 February 2019)

Was it an excuse to break up with me?
(5 February 2019)

He didn't even reply and when I asked why he didn't he said cos he doesn't like being attacked for going out alone..I can't help but think he used my break up text as an excuse because he wanted to end it himself.
(5 February 2019)

I texted him it's over because I was mad at him for acting cold and going out alone.
(5 February 2019)

I hate that im short?
(5 February 2019)

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