Tuesday 5 February 2019

Pretty Feet

Who thinks it’s a plus when women have beautiful feet?_ Luba:I have a mortgage and utilities bills, he does not contribute anything.(30 January 2019) Luba:I have been with my boyfriend for about 2 years, about a year ago I asked him to move in with me instead of spending 4 nights at my house and 3 nights [...]

I'm thinking it's not a huge problem...yet....since he's still been seeing me regularly.
(31 January 2019)

He'd spent the night with me a week prior to that and he didn't say a word.
(31 January 2019)

There were several possible culprits like the fact that I had been drinking the entire evening with him, and that he didn't give me a pillow to sleep on.
(31 January 2019)

I am seeing this guy I spent the night with a week ago and he just now told me today that I snore.
(31 January 2019)

Have you ever been dating someone and later been told that you snore at night, and then rejected for it?
(31 January 2019)

Am I a bad boyfriend for getting jealous over my boyfriend spending a lot of time with his friends?
(31 January 2019)

I want to be supportive and the best partner that I can be for him. (This is my first relationship by the way. (Yes were in a gay relationship (And no Im not going to breakup with him because he lives a little far))) Any advice?
(31 January 2019)

Will I ever hear from her again or did I read her right and it's best to not call her again?
(31 January 2019)

I am truly devastated and dont know what's wrong.
(31 January 2019)

I just stopped contacting her and today is the 11th day of no contact.
(31 January 2019)

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