Monday 4 February 2019

Normal naked

The owner checks to make sure the repairman is gone, and he begins to lick all over the top of the washing machine. Naked under my dressing gown. Wherever you upload them to, all of the videos from normalpornfornormalpeople. EricDeman has just released an amazing video compilation featuring german dudes caught showing off What about […]

Why do abusers hate women who work, have their own apartment and car?
(30 January 2019)

How do you go naked while living with your parents?
(30 January 2019)

I wanna start being naked more at home but I still with my parents what do I do?
(30 January 2019)

Is my friend's ex-fiance trying to use her as narcissistic supply? What should she do?
(30 January 2019)

The guy has been abusive & controlling with her in the past, but he never had a fight with her sister, & he always treated the sister WAY better.
(30 January 2019)

My friend said she was almost tricked & manipulated into giving in.
(30 January 2019)

Recently, the guy's grandmother & his father passed away 3 days apart, & now he's understandably hurt, but he's using that as an opportunity to try to seduce my friend with sex.
(30 January 2019)

Not trying to be messy, but just being a good friend because I care.
(30 January 2019)

I made her aware of the secret relationship with her sister & the ex.
(30 January 2019)

I don't like seeing my friend hurt in any way.
(30 January 2019)

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