Tuesday, 26 February 2019

no tengo planes!!

no tengo planes!!!me he pasado la tarde con otros temas y no se que hare esta nocheinvitaciones varias. vere qur decido.o quizas vea- un programa distinto a salir y lo dejepasar a este sabado distinto_ Waneta:When I asked if she’s interesting, she is, what I really mean to ask is if this girl is going to [...]

Did this woman set me up?
(22 February 2019)

I wish that she burns in hell after she dies.
(22 February 2019)

I am having a very hard time letting this go and want revenge on this woman.
(22 February 2019)

Did she play with me and string me along?
(22 February 2019)

I immediately told her off on how much of a mean and hurtful person she was, then I blocked her from facebook and never spoke to her again.
(22 February 2019)

I felt very hurt and angry by her actions.
(22 February 2019)

I waited until evening and she then sent me a text telling me she was only joking earlier and never planned to have sexual relations with me.
(22 February 2019)

She told me to call her later that evening to talk about it further.
(22 February 2019)

She told me yes and got my hopes up and I was so excited and happy.
(22 February 2019)

I was attracted to her and told her one day and asked if she would like to be friends-with-benefits.
(22 February 2019)

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