Monday, 25 February 2019

I Overreacted…I Need New Stockings…

[image]In my anger at my blindside guy last month I overreacted instead of acted and got rid of the stockings that he liked. I should have waited until I calmed down and not do anything in a fit of a_ Terica:I told her this, and we had a talk.(23 February 2019) Terica:We’d grown in different directions.(23 February [...]

My husband was upset because I told him about parenting advice towards our son.
(21 February 2019)

24 year old female and never been kissed or had sex?
(21 February 2019)

B) How can I learn to flirt and pick up on cues that men are interested in me as I never do?
(21 February 2019)

A few men have apparently been interested in me and people say I'm attractive but I don't really believe it.
(21 February 2019)

Hey question here?
(21 February 2019)

There I got emotionaly abused and after a few years i moved out. (I Will not conclude my age) What should I do now?
(21 February 2019)

She Died when I was 9 and i moved in with my mom's family.
(21 February 2019)

Ain't abortion a beautiful rite of passage from girlhood into womanhood?
(21 February 2019)

I got my first abortion when I was 14 and it was so adorable.
(21 February 2019)

What do you think of my parents' reaction following my miscarriage?
(21 February 2019)

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