Sunday 3 February 2019

I love this!

[image]_ Amira:My name is unique cause of my mixed heritage and my parents made it up.(28 January 2019) Amira:Few days later, I see that someone has created a profile with my exact first and last name.(28 January 2019) Amira:I blocked him on snapchat immediately.(28 January 2019) Amira:I was speaking to this guy on tinder ( very attractive). We spoke [...]

J'wuan pronounced like it's spelled, just like Ja'wuan James.
(29 January 2019)

What do you guys imagine when you see a girl?
(29 January 2019)

If a guy stares at a women for a while or a second do you imagine having sexual intercourse with them.
(29 January 2019)

Names that can be derived from these two?
(29 January 2019)

We're there any smash leaks EVER that actually turned out to be true?
(29 January 2019)

Sharon Osbourne should be taken off the Talk Show! Nasty Personality. All the other ladies are present pleasing personalities. Obliged?
(29 January 2019)

Should i stay with a friend i don't like or leave her alone to be in a new group?
(29 January 2019)

Do guys talk about their dating life?
(29 January 2019)

I'm on a dating site and I was seeing this guy who I liked for about a month.
(29 January 2019)

Just wondering how much guys discuss their love life with their guy friends.
(29 January 2019)

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