Sunday 17 February 2019

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Last week I planned to go to my mom's friends house just to meet the baby and so she can show me around or whatever.
(10 February 2019)

I'm not worried about the actual babysitting part but Idk I just get extremely anxious leading up to a job.
(10 February 2019)

Hi I'm 17 and, I've only been professionally babysitting for about a year and I love babies and kids, but it is SO stressful for me.
(10 February 2019)

I think she has been giving me mixed signal before that and I wonder what the purpose behind inviting me over to the bd party?
(10 February 2019)

Do you find it hard to make friends when you get older?
(10 February 2019)

I just like to see live music or a game.
(10 February 2019)

I don't care about there isn't anything that i'm interested in.
(10 February 2019)

I figure if I start dating then it would be easier.
(10 February 2019)

I also like to get out there and meet women.
(10 February 2019)

I try to get out every other weekend to see bands or a game on tv.
(10 February 2019)

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