Monday 4 February 2019

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I asked him what he did for work and told me he was gonna report me for Harrassment.
(29 January 2019)

He doesn't know me I haven't said any verbal threats or insults but I have tried to start a conversation and he constantly tells me to stop talking to him And trying to make conversation with him.
(29 January 2019)

Why does this girl play mind games with me?
(29 January 2019)

Why has this girl been texting me for months and she keeps playing mind games? is she a sociopath?
(29 January 2019)

My boyfriend said this to me about taking a class?
(29 January 2019)

I didn t end up going to my first class...
(29 January 2019)

We got into a fight because I told him I had the class and was withholding it from him for weeks because I knew he would disapprove.
(29 January 2019)

He always puts me when I take classes and tells me how brainwashed I am and I don t know anything despite having taken all these classes.
(29 January 2019)

He thinks its a waste of time and why would I do this when I can learn on my own for free.
(29 January 2019)

Granted, every day I work very hard and too much and I realize I choose to do that but right now I think the class makes sense 1. It s free 2. The professor is awesome and applicable 3. I earn more money.
(29 January 2019)

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