Saturday 2 February 2019

Free bathroom sex

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People start arguments with me but never finish them.They say something then they would either walk out the room or change the subject.
(28 January 2019)

When do hearts develop?
(28 January 2019)

Also what weeks do babies hearts full develop is it 29 weeks or 30.
(28 January 2019)

I was born 25 weeks and have a heart condition.
(28 January 2019)

Would this girl reject if i asked her out?
(28 January 2019)

I want to ask her out but im scared she will reject me?
(28 January 2019)

There is this cute girl in one of my classes.
(28 January 2019)

I am being offered a job, but lately found out bad mates with no manners used to bully me, and spread lies about me are working?
(28 January 2019)

I can barely breath abd get my words outwhen I'm standing next to him. He spoke to me today about non work stuff and I swear my heart?
(28 January 2019)

He looked at me in the face today and I could see his eyes scanning my face.
(28 January 2019)

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