Tuesday 19 February 2019

Empty Nesters

Life never got better now that we are alone at home naked wiaiting for friends to come over. Hot tub and sun is all better with friends, naked!_ Davida:Girlfriend is 24 I’m 28. She has constant mood swings, which I know is normal but they happen a lot more than past relationships… It’s now at a [...]

We don't wish to get her in any trouble because she is dating someone who we believe could be very emotionally abusive and if she has anymore problems in her life, she may turn more to drugs or her boyfriend.
(13 February 2019)

I have no proof that she is behaving this way and of course we could be wrong.
(13 February 2019)

She used to work very hard on her appearance and now doesn't appear to put any effort in (not that it matters, but something that used to be very important to her no longer is). What do I do?
(13 February 2019)

Her face is seriously changing-- she used to have clear skin and now she has more and more deep, bright red marks on her face and they never go away or get better, and they aren't round like pimples.
(13 February 2019)

We believe it is something serious and not marijuana.
(13 February 2019)

I'm a college senior, and a classmate from my department is in a gen ed class with me.
(13 February 2019)

However, when I call out to him, he seems excited as always to see me.
(14 February 2019)

The guy I have a crush on used to maintain eye contact with me, but now he looks down right away.
(14 February 2019)

Hi. what do we call the ups and downs of earth surface?
(13 February 2019)

No. that,s not the point. e.g. when u go to a vast desert, (there is no valley or mountain ) but it has many ups and downs that make it different from a road. i,m searching for the name of this ups and downs.
(13 February 2019)

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