Sunday 10 February 2019

A Bunny Promise

Promises_ Jacquelin:He then said he would come back to say goodbye but he never did.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:And he was kind of shy and answered a little.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:I talked to him, asked how he was doing, etc.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:Today, out of the blue he visited me again and we hugged.(3 February 2019) Jacquelin:He came to visit me [...]

So, I divorced my wife and sought full custody of my 4.5 year old son in court.
(4 February 2019)

Is it me overreacting?
(4 February 2019)

I was cuddling my dad one morning when I was like 14 or 15 bc at the time we all shared a bed (homeless at the time) and my little brother went to school and I'm older so I dont go till later.
(4 February 2019)

I was pretty in High school.But nobody ever invited me to a single party.I was ostracised.I was poor and an A grade student at a wealthy?
(4 February 2019)

I get hit up for casual sex a lot? And I do not want to have sex outside of a relationship?
(4 February 2019)

Why does this happen if you were to guess?
(4 February 2019)

Is it okay to reach out to my ex again?
(4 February 2019)

Right now, I still have strong feelings for him, so I have thoughts that maybe later we can work it out again to be more than friends if I still having feelings for him after getting over the breakup.
(4 February 2019)

Is it okay to reach back out to my ex later in hopes of being friends or even more?
(4 February 2019)

Even though I was really hurt by it, we were still able to make it an amicable split.
(4 February 2019)

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