Friday 11 January 2019

what makes you cum faster?

What sexual act makes you cum hardest?_ Cleta:His love of people and love of nation.(7 January 2019) Sandra:Ashley, Elizabeth, Taylor or Helen?(7 January 2019) Pamela:What happens if i had unprotected sex on the 6th day of her 7 day break? Is there anything we can do to avoid getting pregnant?(7 January 2019) Pamela:We had unprotected sex on the 6 [...]

Snapchat Best friend List?
(6 January 2019)

Does snapchat count chats as points for determining best friends list?
(6 January 2019)

THEN out of nowhere, he's my 4th bestfrriend on Snapchat... Does anyone know why this is?
(6 January 2019)

The point is, we NEVER sent one pic to each other (only chat) and we only talked for like a week and stopped.
(6 January 2019)

We talked for a while but I lost interest so we stopped talking.
(6 January 2019)

I used to chat with this guy over Snapchat for a while.
(6 January 2019)

Big penis are gross, was reading a thing on whisper and woman want that eww?
(6 January 2019)

One guy i was with who had a huge one looked like a horse how is that hot?
(6 January 2019)

Why do Hispanic men give me dirty looks?
(6 January 2019)

I feel that whenever we go somewhere in public; i always get mugged by Hispanic men.
(6 January 2019)

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