Thursday 31 January 2019

Up and At It Wednesday

I’ve been up and getting around since 4:30 a.m. I had to take my brother to the airport this morning for his trip to San Diego. Uneventful, he’s all checked in and waiting to board his plane. It wa_ Luba:This last month I ask him to give me $200 a month and he freaked out asking [...]

He asked my bf for $350 and my bf gave it to him.
(26 January 2019)

They just had a baby, The gf works at Walmart and the guy has no job.
(26 January 2019)

Guys: Is it harder to ejaculate standing up?
(26 January 2019)

Then why do girls give blowjobs while a guy is standing?
(26 January 2019)

A friend of mine said that nutting while standing.
(26 January 2019)

I broke up with my boyfriend last summer because I was in a bad situation and was not sure if I should tell him?
(26 January 2019)

Just afraid that I ruined things.
(26 January 2019)

I finally reached out to him after a few months had passed.
(26 January 2019)

It hurt for a long time, but I knew he deserved better at that moment.
(26 January 2019)

I stopped talking to my boyfriend because I knew I had to get my life together.
(26 January 2019)

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