Tuesday 22 January 2019

So, what happened was…

So here it is, the reason I’m back…Last June, I received an email here from a guy from Cumming, Ga. At first, I wasn’t interested as its over an hour’s drive. But, he said, he’d lik_ Dagmar:Do you like the name Yeidckol for a girl?(19 January 2019) Leonora:My parents make me use training wheels on my bike?(19 [...]

It usually goes like this: One of us initiates sex.
(16 January 2019)

My girlfriend and I have reached a sex rut.
(16 January 2019)

Could I be pregnant after 18th days late? 6th negatives hpt so far!?
(16 January 2019)

I took the blood yesterday but the result is not out yet.
(16 January 2019)

This time around, it hasn t stop.
(16 January 2019)

I usually have pms for 2 or 3 days max and I ll be better again.
(16 January 2019)

I have mood swings, easily irritated, once in a while I experienced hot flushs and craving for foods everyday.
(16 January 2019)

Some days I got migraine, or headache.
(16 January 2019)

I m not sure whether it s heartburn or not.
(16 January 2019)

Some days I could feel as if I have the taste of food in my throat and it stucks there.
(16 January 2019)

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