Mini Games Ultimate 3. Now you have to pick up girls around the city, make movies and more. Hottie Hot Dog 3. Explore our Archives to find games from years past, or the gamer rated masterpieces that found their way to the top and best in the hearts and minds of all Cool Game fans. […]
He was hurt and said he was thinking this was going to be a good year seeing me.
(18 January 2019)
All the stress made me end it with him today.
(18 January 2019)
I told my parents and they hated i was seeing him, as they never met him.
(18 January 2019)
We met up a few times and then I realised we still don't have a future, as he still can't even be responsible for himself.
(18 January 2019)
We never stopped liking each other.
(18 January 2019)
I contacted him this time, 4 months after saying I couldn't see him again.
(18 January 2019)
I recently started seeing my ex again.
(18 January 2019)
He keeps hugging me he's bawling his eyes out.
(18 January 2019)
He said he's so upset that he wants to delete his account he keeps telling me that he hates his life because all his life everyone has been hating on him calling him a freak and he doesn't need you YA trolls to make it worse.
(18 January 2019)
My brother in law is feeling sad because you idiots keep bullying him.
(18 January 2019)
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