Tuesday, 29 January 2019

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I have made female friends from school that I study with sometimes and hangout with one on one once in awhile but I never make any moves because I feel too old and not good enough.
(24 January 2019)

I cook, I exercise, focus on school and career perspective but I'm really lonely.
(24 January 2019)

I'm too old for fellow students, I don't want to creep anyone out and I don't drink, hence I don't go to bars.
(24 January 2019)

But I still don't have everything together.
(24 January 2019)

I isolated myself because I did not feel good enough about myself . But after hard work, I was able to transfer to a very good public university and I'm working to build my resume, despite being 30, doing undergrad.
(24 January 2019)

I didn't go out much, didn't date much, didn't have much social life.I had to make money to get by, pay rent and went to school.
(24 January 2019)

After a bit, I decided to go back to school and major in engineering.
(24 January 2019)

After a few years of that, I still worked in order to make money and figure out what to do with my life.
(24 January 2019)

I'm a guy and when I was young, I had to quit school work and help my family.
(24 January 2019)

What do I do with a 1099 notice that my savings account sent me?
(24 January 2019)

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