Saturday 12 January 2019

Just a panty twink

If you meet me on the street you would never guess my secret, I’m just a panty bottom twink._ Gene:He has been spending a lot of time at my house because he is going through marital problems and is lonely.(7 January 2019) Gene:Normally his dad calls or he is invited to come over.(7 January 2019) Philomena:Do I have [...]

My ex boyfriend made my birthday all about him?
(6 January 2019)

I just want to not be sad or feel guilty on my birthday.
(6 January 2019)

I'm currently outside and trying to enjoy the day but he keeps sending sad and mean messages about how I'm insensitive and inconsiderate of him and his feelings, when I'm not.
(6 January 2019)

He is just turning my birthday into him talking about himself and how hurt he is and telling me sarcastically to hace a good day without him.
(6 January 2019)

He then said a bunch of sad messages to me and I asked him to not send those things to me because it makes me feel bad when he's sad and his response was pretty much telling me I'm inconsiderate of his feelings.
(6 January 2019)

Now today its my birthday amd he's telling me he misses me and wishes we could of spent the day together but I told him no, I want to spend the day alone.
(6 January 2019)

I eventually got tired of it and broke up.
(6 January 2019)

During the relationship he was verbally and emotionally abusive towards me, then the next day felt bad and apologised and said he'd change but the cycle kept going.
(6 January 2019)

I explained to him nicely how we won't get back together because he treated me badly.
(6 January 2019)

I broke up with him and since then he's been telling me how sad and hurt he is, which I understand.
(6 January 2019)

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