Tuesday 15 January 2019

Good Bye 2016 - Hello 2017!!!

Today has not gone as I would have liked the last day of 2016 to go. I’ve hit yet another health hiccup that has come out of nowhere. Ok, maybe it does stem from my issues with Crohn’s disease. Yep_ Chrystal:Again she broke up with me because I asked her why she didn’t remove the blacklisting [...]

He is 29 and im 38. Guess i should just drop him?
(9 January 2019)

He seemed different so i gave him a shot. now he takes forever to respond to messages sometimes when we hangout he points out spots that he took other girls to on dates and talks about other girls he has dated, idk if its his age o what.
(9 January 2019)

I had to say hi and he said it back making no eye contact.
(9 January 2019)

He casually looked back when I entered a store then quickly looked away once I made eye contact with him and knew it was me.
(9 January 2019)

In school he'd ignore me most the time and would walk away when I tried to talk to him and flirt with him.
(9 January 2019)

When he sees me he freezes and looks like he saw a ghost his eyes get big and wide his jaw is open.
(9 January 2019)

He one time stared at me then once he found out its me broke eye contact and never looked back.
(9 January 2019)

He avoids eye contact, he won't hold eye contact with me for very long or at all.
(9 January 2019)

Well after I stopped going to school with him when I see him around he acts shifty.
(9 January 2019)

I'd try to talk to him get close to him.
(9 January 2019)

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