Tuesday 8 January 2019

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Why is she so mean to me when all I have ever tried doing was in her best interest.
(2 January 2019)

May I add that my stuff has even gone missing.
(2 January 2019)

Is very dismissive and is always asking me where her things are.
(2 January 2019)

I have different beliefs and she just refuses to accept anything I say.
(2 January 2019)

I mean I just hate it when she tells people that I don't really know how to cook or clean or all this bs.
(2 January 2019)

Why am I pissed off that my female friend is dating my male cousin?
(2 January 2019)

I hate the fact that they are dating.
(2 January 2019)

He ask if he knows me and that when she found out that we are cousins.
(2 January 2019)

And when she found out where he worked.
(2 January 2019)

She was out a night and meet this guy (my cousin). Him and I work at the same company.
(2 January 2019)

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