Thursday 17 January 2019

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I thought she was shy first but she is not shy because ive seen her talk to other guys before.
(12 January 2019)

I have to say hi to her at least 5 times before she actually looks in my eyes and says hi.
(12 January 2019)

Every time i go to the gym and she walks in the same direction she will ignore me and she wont look me in the eyes and will look to the side or down.
(12 January 2019)

She goes to the same gym as i do.
(12 January 2019)

Am I a terrible person to want to cut ties with my sister?
(12 January 2019)

So I want to pretend that she doesn't exist to me.
(12 January 2019)

I really don't want her in my life.
(12 January 2019)

She has hurt me so much so often in the past, but the thing is that I still think about her.
(12 January 2019)

I still want to cut ties with her.
(12 January 2019)

I told her that she is not my sister.
(12 January 2019)

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