Tuesday 8 January 2019

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Then at 8:10am he sent a long text saying he was in the hospital over night for his heart condition and didn't want me to worry about him.
(3 January 2019)

I tried to call Sat morning at 7:50am but he did not answer.
(3 January 2019)

His folks gave him a head's up after I left.
(3 January 2019)

His parents told me he left the night before after coming home from work.
(3 January 2019)

I drove past his house Sat morning and he wasn't at his house.
(3 January 2019)

Recently my bf said he would stay home Friday and Sat night due to having a head cold.
(3 January 2019)

My bf defended him and said the friend wants to fit in and is socially awkward.
(3 January 2019)

In this relationship I have no reason to believe he has cheated but I really dislike one of his guy friends because he made racial jokes when I was around because I am non white.
(3 January 2019)

Then his other ex cheated on him.
(3 January 2019)

In the past he has cheated on one of his ex's with her friend when he was in early 20's.
(3 January 2019)

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