Friday 11 January 2019


hello_ Kiersten:My boyfriend hardly has any friends and is a bit of a loner, so I wanted him to see his friend.(7 January 2019) Kiersten:I was supposed to meet him before xmas but that day he went out with his friend who he hadn’t seen in ages & got too hungover.(7 January 2019) Kiersten:I haven’t seen him since [...]

For about 2 weeks now, I've been nauseous, very tried and my breast have been tender.
(6 January 2019)

How do I get custody of my cousin after his mother passed away and it was awarded to the uncle?
(6 January 2019)

He beats up on the nine year old constantly making him his slave but not just that the uncle is unfit he works he comes home he locks himself in his room and lets the kids fend for themselves she is financially draining all of the children's money.
(6 January 2019)

There's an older brother to the nine year old who is 15 years old he has been in and out of trouble his entire life and is in is being investigated for molestation charge against a child.
(6 January 2019)

His moyher passed away in the end of march and her brother the uncle became their Guardian.
(6 January 2019)

What would you do if your high school crush suddenly dropped everything and said they want to be with you?
(6 January 2019)

Do the Anonymous avatars get all the girls?
(6 January 2019)

Word on the street is that the Anonymous people get all ladies.
(6 January 2019)

Will Hepatitis B go away if you keep having sex?
(6 January 2019)

They say it usually goes away in six months, can my husband and I keep having sex if we both have it, or will that keep it from healing?
(6 January 2019)

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