Thursday, 31 January 2019

A followup to my last post……

After a bit of maneuvering, I was able to dig out most of my cassettes and vinyls to at lease take a photo of them to show you. Although you can’t read many of them, there is a wide variety of music_ Diane:She hasn’t asked me about my job or anything.(31 January 2019) Diane:I thought she wanted [...]

My friend makes videos for a living (along with other art realted thngs) so she is willing to help me What subjects will get views?
(26 January 2019)

I do not have any thing beyond a camera on my computer, my phone and my KIndke Fire 8. I do not want yo invest until I have some sucess.
(26 January 2019)

I also have (gad) one devdoted to educating peole abiut methadone but the guy who was supposed to help me deleted all the videos.
(26 January 2019)

I have a book review channel, although I have gotten WAY behind on this.
(26 January 2019)

It does not work because there she tells me he was locked up for inactivity but I really need him?
(26 January 2019)

Does my girl look sexy?
(26 January 2019)

Try and guess her age and nationality.
(26 January 2019)

Am i a spoiled teenager, if so how to stop?
(26 January 2019)

Me and my husband separated last year because I found out he was going over to an ex house late at night. He says they didnt sleep together?
(26 January 2019)

Not just a random monthly look up, he looks her up about 3 times a week.
(26 January 2019)

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