On 11 January , the northern state of Coahuila , which borders Texas, passed a similar bill 20—13 , under the name Pacto Civil de Solidaridad Civil Pact of Solidarity. Same-sex marriage in Colombia. This last point Sullivan himself was, in turn, quick to disparage as irrational fear-mongering, likening it to the disaster scenarios trotted […]
I am still obsessed with a guy I saw once years ago. I feel I miss him and sometimes I cry thinking about him. What's wrong with me?
(24 December 2018)
Why am I so in love with him although I dont even know his name?
(24 December 2018)
Even today I think of him with nostalgia and sometimes I cry cause he's not by my side.
(24 December 2018)
He was handsome and good hearted, respectful although my dad scolded him.
(24 December 2018)
I imagined him being the prince who would love me and protect me.
(24 December 2018)
I never had a bigger brother, or someone who loved me.
(24 December 2018)
I wanted to be close to him, and felt the need to be hugged in his arms.
(24 December 2018)
I gave him the cds and he walked away.
(24 December 2018)
My dad saw us and again told him to go away.
(24 December 2018)
After my dad scolded him because we stared at each other he was a bit scared and turned cold.
(24 December 2018)
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