Monday 31 December 2018

It Is Cold Outside

It was snowing when I woke up. I could tell by looking at a roof across the street that there wasn’t much and it was blowing. It was still 8 degrees when I had my first cig. I had almost gotten used t_ Rochelle:From what I said what do you think she thought?(31 December 2018) Rochelle:Idk if [...]

She and I have been friends for the past few years.
(31 December 2018)

Women, would you have sex with a guy with a 4 inch penis?
(31 December 2018)

Someone I met online says he misses me without meeting me?
(31 December 2018)

Either way, I think it's a red flag especially since no relationship has been established.
(31 December 2018)

I think he is either playing me or a bit pushy.
(31 December 2018)

He has never even met me or Skyped with me.
(31 December 2018)

He calls me pet names and today he told me that he misses me.
(31 December 2018)

We messaged each other for about three days and then exchanged numbers about 3 days ago.
(31 December 2018)

So I just started talking to someone on a dating site.
(31 December 2018)

My grandmother gave me a gift certificate for Christmas?
(31 December 2018)

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